Thursday, September 1, 2011

my day off

1.  Took vitamins and anti-depressants and ate Kashi with blueberries.
2.  Made four-layer fancy dessert with the last of the rhubarb. New recipe, we'll see, Sonny is here tonight.
3.  Went swimming at the college pool.  Dazzled students with my longevity in the lane.
4.  Made salmon cakes, snapped beans and chopped broccoli.
4.  Hung world map on newly painted (aqua) bulletin board to follow Jason's travels with push pins.
5.  Finished The Female Brain,  did cross word puzzle in newspaper, caved on the word jumble, all but one.
6.  Went to "Our Idiotic Brother" to see Paul Rudd act like an idiot.  Was not disappointed.  Got cult movie written all over it.
8.  Made spinach pasta with sauteed bread crumbs in butter. Sliced tomato.
9.  Did 45 minutes of cardio and weights.
10.Fed Sonny. He liked the dessert.
11.Watched Glee and some other stuff. Nighty-night.


AmySueRose said...

Wow. The highlight of the day for me would have been the rhubarb cake.

dawn marie giegerich said...

And it was.

Lorflor said...

you eat three meals a day, AND they are healthy. I should take note. That's a full day. Congrats. My days off...I would have nothing to list.